Staff List 2024-2025

Name Responsibility
Mr K Brown Principal, RE Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), attendance, Teaching and Learning and assessment
Mrs N Levack Vice Principal, Class 2 teacher (Thursday and Friday) RE, RSE, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) and attendance
Miss J Jordan Nursery teacher
Miss K Vanstone Reception Class teacher, EYFS lead , Art & Phonics Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Mrs Cadman Year 1 Teacher and Science and Modern foreign languages (Spanish) Lead
Mrs Wearing Year 2 Teacher (Monday, Tuesady and Wednesday) and Co-Music, Geography and History Lead
Mr Mc Carthy Year 3 Teacher and Co-Music Lead
Miss I Johns Year 4 Teacher and Computing Lead
Mrs S Kiernan Year 5 Teacher , English Lead
Mr R Heard Year 6 Teacher, Mathematics, Design & technology, Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead (DDSL)
Mrs A Lees Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) Wellbeing Co-ordinator and First Aid lead
Mrs E Kelsey Support staff
Mrs A Evans Support staff
Mrs D Ashton Support staff
Miss L Bates Support staff
Miss J Dean Support staff
Mrs L Wilson Support staff
Mrs Liddy Support staff
Miss M Loftus Support staff
Mrs Whitehouse Support staff
Miss A Clarke Support staff
Mrs C Fioravanti Before and after school club team member, lunchtime supervisor, DDSL
Mrs M Penn Lunch time supervisor. after school club team member
Mrs S Aston School business manager
Mrs A Kopiec Office manager & Finance
Mr D Turvey Site maintenance and supporting with office administration
Mrs N Chopra Lunchtime supervisor and member of cleaning team
Mrs M Wallington Cleaning team member
Mr S Mason Violin teacher
Mr N Hovarth Brass teacher
Mr L Hopson Drums teacher
Mrs A Mitchell Special Education Needs and Disabilities coordinator (SENDco), Designated teacher for children in care (CIC)
Emmaus CMAC
Our Lady and St. Hubert's Primary School Ofsted
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